Sunday, 27 March 2011

New Links to Videos


I've tidied up the links on the Video page as some were out of date, and also found some more of my films online, so have added new links to those.

You should now see embedded videos or links to the following films:

  • The Point of Regret (trailer)
  • Shatter
  • The Last Piece
  • Domestics
  • Just For Fun


Wednesday, 9 March 2011

The Point of Regret - Soundtrack


So, on Monday I mentioned something that I was working on, but couldn't say too much... now the cat is out of the bag from the Emanation Films guys post on their Facebook Fan Page

I am working to get my first ever album together and released in time for the same week as the film either hits the shops in DVD format, or the independent theatres around the country. Preferably both will happen and the album will also hit in the nick of time.

I have the artwork to complete (there are some changes being made to keep the branding / style consistent), the mastering to finish and finally, decide on who I am going to distribute the album through. It's not a huge amount of work, but I want to be able to do the final product justice, so will spend a bit of time getting the whole thing right.

TuneCore look favourites at the moment, but I'm putting the feelers out into some forums and asking my fellow composer types for their experiences.

It looks like I can get a global release thru iTunes and Amazon plus a number of other outlets as TuneCore release to some of the key B2B digital media distributors.

Anyway, this is a massive thing for me, it being my first album... and I'm really, really pleased with the music I did for TPOR. Listening back during the mastering sessions, I was surprised how much I'd put into all the tracks. Sometimes when you've heard them 10,000 times, all you hear is how you could improve them, so it was nice to listen to them again after a few months away from them.

It's a busy time working on this release and the other feature film projects ("The Lost" and "Low")... but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Keep yer peepers peeled for the posts!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The Point of Regret - DVD availability


I found that there are now multiple online shops that will be selling the DVD for The Point of Regret.

I haven't heard of some of them so can't vouch for them or their delivery commitments, so just check things out first.

Anyway, here is the list I found so far:

Amazon UK
The Hut 
DVD Source
Pick A Book 
The UK release date is still touted for the end of March 2011, but there are ongoing discussions about an event that may delay the DVD release for a short while. If it happens, it will be worthwhile but more on that when I find out which way things will go.

Monday, 7 March 2011

The Point of Regret - More Exciting News


Today I received confirmation of some more exciting news about the feature film The Point of Regret by Emanation Films.

Right now, I can't say too much... but for me, it's pretty special.

There are some things to work out but I should be able to tell you more in about a week's time.

Keep them peepers on the posts people!

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Domestics - Available to watch online now


FifthColumn Films web site was recently relaunched, with a new look and lots of content.

One of their shorts, Domestics, for which I provided the music, is now available to watch online through the BBC Film Network.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Emanation Films - Viewers


Hot on the heels of The Point of Regret, Emanation Films are already well on their way with their next feature length film "Viewers".

Here's a snippet from the synopsis...

"Will has the key to unlocking something that will stop hunger, poverty, disease, the destruction of the planet and create peace for the entire human race.  Turning the key is simple.  All he has to do is kill himself.

Remote Viewing is used by intelligence agencies worldwide.   Most notably it was used by the CIA in operation Stargate which began at the Stanford Research Institute in April, 1972.  They claim Stargate was closed in 1995.
Ted has always been at the forefront of developing Remote Viewing.  Remote Viewers can project their sight, and other senses, to anywhere in the world, in the present . . . or the past. 

Now Ted’s obsessed with finding the secret link between Remote Viewing and the next phase of human evolution.  A step so significant it’ll dwarf the point at when fish came out of the water to live on land."

Sound good?

Read more about it at the temporary web page for Viewers


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