Tuesday, 6 September 2011

My article on 60secondscloser.com


The other day I mentioned that I had written an article for 60secondscloser.com ... today it was published so go and check it out!


Monday, 5 September 2011

Interview on SFXSOURCE


Just (re)found this interview by SFXSOURCE.COM with Simon Tate about the soundtrack I did for The Point of Regret. Some nice sound bites in there...

Check it out here -> http://www.sfxsource.com/news/index.php/2010/06/08/interview-with-filmmaker-simon-tate-on-post-production-audio/trackback/

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Upcoming article on 60secondscloser.com


I just submitted the first of a few articles I'm writing about film music composing - or at least my view of it and what I learned from my time spent on the feature film The Point of Regret.

It will feature on a new site by Simon Tate and Dave Francis, called 60secondscloser where they are sharing their experiences during the making of The Point of Regret. Their mission statement is this:
On this site you’ll find information on everything we’ve learned about making all types of films, from features to promos through documentaries and corporates. We don’t know it all and each day we’re always learning more, but hopefully by reading about the mistakes we’ve made, and sharing in some of our successes, it’ll take you that 60 seconds closer to producing your own film.
So, you should see my article go up sometime later this week, but for now here's a teaser to whet your appetite...

In a perfectly clear night sky, with a dazzlingly bright shining moon, your music needs to be like the millions of shimmering stars, providing the wide-angle backdrop… that’s the bit that people often get emotional about.  
That’s your goal.

Ok, it's short but sweet and sounds like it has nothing to do with music, right? Well wait for the full article over on www.60secondscloser.com and let me know what you think.

Bye for now.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

My soundtrack to the feature film The Point of Regret - released at last!


The Point of Regret soundtrack - released at last!

First place you can get a digital copy is over at bandcamp... see the audio player below for track list and links to buy and share the news!

The album should be coming to iTunes and Amazon shortly too!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Review of TPOR by "Pick 'n' Mix Flix"


Pick ‘n’ Mix Flix is a highly rated movie review blogging website concentrating on lower budget, harder to find movies, as well as Oscar contenders and other award-worthy movies.

'The Point of Regret' got a deserved 8/10 with some specific comments on the sound - which I am totally grateful for, as I did the lot! It was hard work but a fantastic experience creating the audio environment including the music, foley and ADR that was all done in my studio.

"Tate couldn’t have done this on his own. Cinematographer David Francis helped out enormously with his atmospheric, hand-held camerawork and The Point of Regret is also aided by an original score by Andy Stuteley. Talking of sound, this movie reaches deep into its bag of tricks to provide some superb over-dubbing, the likes of which you would generally see in much larger movies. The sound, much like everything else here, punches well above its weight. 
Simon Tate, David Francis, AJ Nicol, Christopher Hatherall and others, take a bow. On what’s pretty obviously a limited budget* you’ve combined to make as good a film as it could possibly be as it brings us tales of sacrifice and love, an examination of suicide and regret, and even a debate about the morality of both the media and the death penalty. The Point of Regret really ought to be an inspiration to penniless filmmakers everywhere." Colin Harris - Pick 'n' Mix Flix

Check out the full review of the film here:


Saturday, 16 July 2011

Busy, busy, busy!


Quick update on a few things as I've been a bit busy on music projects and a well needed holiday...

Just got back from a two week break in Cuba feeling hugely re-charged and ready to dive into more musical projects... just need to create a few more hours in the day!

"Spiritual Contact" - Atalaia Films - www.atalaiafilms.com
There was a minor setback for Emerson when one the lead characters backed out two days before a weekend of filming was due to start. However, things are back on track with some filming complete after a re-jig of the shooting schedule.

There is a new video from DOP Dave Moyles up discussing the film, with a few snippets of the music that will be featured in the film - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RISYQaDNUYQ

"The Lost" - ThamesGate Films - www.thamesgatefilms.com
Apart from his exams, Johan Neethling has been working on another important project... getting married! After a three week honeymoon, he is now back and ready to pick-up work on "The Lost" - there is a lot of work for us to do on the post production sound, so it may take us some time to work thru it all, but it will be worth it.

"Extinction" - a promo for Johan Neethling
Not sure about the future of this project but Johan asked me to do some post production sound on an 8 minute promo called "Extinction". The promo only had on actress in it, filmed as if talking into a laptop camera and security cameras, about the goings on in a research facility... it is simple but so well thought out and scripted, it's spooky and creepy. I created a whole environment of sound that Johan said was simply "perfect" - I must say it was a successful piece of work as it scares the pants off me! As I understand it, the promo is to secure interest for a full length feature version, but I'll post more as soon as I know.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

New Links to Videos


I've tidied up the links on the Video page as some were out of date, and also found some more of my films online, so have added new links to those.

You should now see embedded videos or links to the following films:

  • The Point of Regret (trailer)
  • Shatter
  • The Last Piece
  • Domestics
  • Just For Fun


Wednesday, 9 March 2011

The Point of Regret - Soundtrack


So, on Monday I mentioned something that I was working on, but couldn't say too much... now the cat is out of the bag from the Emanation Films guys post on their Facebook Fan Page

I am working to get my first ever album together and released in time for the same week as the film either hits the shops in DVD format, or the independent theatres around the country. Preferably both will happen and the album will also hit in the nick of time.

I have the artwork to complete (there are some changes being made to keep the branding / style consistent), the mastering to finish and finally, decide on who I am going to distribute the album through. It's not a huge amount of work, but I want to be able to do the final product justice, so will spend a bit of time getting the whole thing right.

TuneCore look favourites at the moment, but I'm putting the feelers out into some forums and asking my fellow composer types for their experiences.

It looks like I can get a global release thru iTunes and Amazon plus a number of other outlets as TuneCore release to some of the key B2B digital media distributors.

Anyway, this is a massive thing for me, it being my first album... and I'm really, really pleased with the music I did for TPOR. Listening back during the mastering sessions, I was surprised how much I'd put into all the tracks. Sometimes when you've heard them 10,000 times, all you hear is how you could improve them, so it was nice to listen to them again after a few months away from them.

It's a busy time working on this release and the other feature film projects ("The Lost" and "Low")... but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Keep yer peepers peeled for the posts!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The Point of Regret - DVD availability


I found that there are now multiple online shops that will be selling the DVD for The Point of Regret.

I haven't heard of some of them so can't vouch for them or their delivery commitments, so just check things out first.

Anyway, here is the list I found so far:

Amazon UK
The Hut 
DVD Source
Pick A Book 
The UK release date is still touted for the end of March 2011, but there are ongoing discussions about an event that may delay the DVD release for a short while. If it happens, it will be worthwhile but more on that when I find out which way things will go.

Monday, 7 March 2011

The Point of Regret - More Exciting News


Today I received confirmation of some more exciting news about the feature film The Point of Regret by Emanation Films.

Right now, I can't say too much... but for me, it's pretty special.

There are some things to work out but I should be able to tell you more in about a week's time.

Keep them peepers on the posts people!

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Domestics - Available to watch online now


FifthColumn Films web site was recently relaunched, with a new look and lots of content.

One of their shorts, Domestics, for which I provided the music, is now available to watch online through the BBC Film Network.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Emanation Films - Viewers


Hot on the heels of The Point of Regret, Emanation Films are already well on their way with their next feature length film "Viewers".

Here's a snippet from the synopsis...

"Will has the key to unlocking something that will stop hunger, poverty, disease, the destruction of the planet and create peace for the entire human race.  Turning the key is simple.  All he has to do is kill himself.

Remote Viewing is used by intelligence agencies worldwide.   Most notably it was used by the CIA in operation Stargate which began at the Stanford Research Institute in April, 1972.  They claim Stargate was closed in 1995.
Ted has always been at the forefront of developing Remote Viewing.  Remote Viewers can project their sight, and other senses, to anywhere in the world, in the present . . . or the past. 

Now Ted’s obsessed with finding the secret link between Remote Viewing and the next phase of human evolution.  A step so significant it’ll dwarf the point at when fish came out of the water to live on land."

Sound good?

Read more about it at the temporary web page for Viewers

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The Point of Regret - DVD release - confirmed


The DVD release of The Point of Regret has been confirmed for the end of March 2011 (not June as stated on Amazon) so you should be able to get your grubby mitts on it soon!

The guys at Emanation Films have also started a new Twitter ID for anyone interested in following them @emanationfilms as they now have another film in production... more on that soon.

Monday, 21 February 2011

The Point of Regret - DVD release


I've been told by the director of The Point of Regret that the DVD release of the film is imminent i.e. the next week or two.

So, I did a quick Google search to see if there were any updates and found that the DVD has been added to Amazon, with a release date of June 1st 2011. I'm guessing this date will come forward based on what Simon and Dave from Emanation Films told me.

Check it out and pre-order your copy from Amazon today!


(No I won't be getting any of the proceeds as it will go to fund the next film that Simon and Dave make... but more about that soon...)

Dave also mentioned that Empire magazine may be doing a review in the coming months, but I'll keep you posted on that if it happens.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

"The Lost" - New Feature Commission


I received some great news a few days ago... just a week after I started looking for projects, I've landed another feature film! (somebody is looking out for me ;-D )

I've been chosen to provide the score and the sound design for an upcoming horror feature film called "The Lost".

I was originally contacted by Johan Neethling about a year ago, with a request to provide music for the as yet un-filmed idea he had. His idea was really interesting so I said yes and just waited... and waited... and waited.

With all the other things going on, I had forgotten that this was still a possibility, and then got the email from Johan telling me they were in post-production, just finalising the editing and would I still be interested. Of course I am!

Film details 
...on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1622565/
Teaser trailer http://www.vimeo.com/10689269 which gives you tiny taster - the music is not mine, it's just something Johan picked as a temp track:

Anyway, I'm awaiting delivery of the picture lock version which should be with me in the next couple of weeks. Then its onto the spotting session and some hard graft to get some ideas cooking.

Really looking forward to this one!


Monday, 7 February 2011

Cinematic Orchestration News


Yesterday I got Unit 4 of my Cinematic Orchestration course completed and packaged off to my tutor, which is a big relief.

Here are links to the submission track and the associated score.

For the score I've started using Notion3 which my wife bought me for xmas... it's really easy to use though it may not have all the features of Sibelius, it's doing fine for what I need to do right now, and it's a fraction of the cost.

I've also upgraded to Cubase 6 which has some of the best tweaks I've seen in the package yet... like in the piano roll editor, you can select a group of notes and then in the controller pane below, you get little drag-handles that allow you to lower or raise the controller value as one group! There are also drag-handles in the corner of the selection box that allow you to ramp-up or ramp-down the controller values, giving you a quick way of adding dynamics. Brilliant IMHO.

Anyway, I await my tutors response...

LA Scoring Strings


I have the most amazing wife in the world... For xmas she bought me LA Scoring Strings - which has to be the most realistic and expressive sampled string package I've used or heard.

It can be resource intensive to use all the features but the processing power is always creeping up over time... But its worth it as the sound is truly amazing.

My main reason for getting this package was for the divisi sections as I have nothing else that can produce the sound of sub section of the whole string section.

She also got me Notion 3 the music scoring package which is also brilliant, so I have a bit of a learning curve to go thru to get that lot sorted into my workflow.

I'm getting the hang of both now I've had them a month or so.

More strings to the bow... if you pardon the pun :-)

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Happy New Year! It's been a while...


Happy New Year!

It's been a while since I posted, so thought I would give a quick update... 2010 was a tough year!

The Point of Regret
The ADR recording for the feature film, The Point of Regret, was completed a while back in 2010, then it was just onto the integration of those parts and the final mixes etc.

That is all done now and the film has been back with Simon Tate for a while for him to sort out the packaging and publication malarkey. The last I heard is that we would be seeing the film released in January 2011, so I'll post again when I get that confirmed.

Break - Switch - Move
After TPOR I decided to take a bit of a break from film projects, to allow me to focus on finishing my course, Cinematic Orchestration which is taking a lot of time - it's tough but good!

I then found myself changing my day job, so that's started to eat into my free time quite a lot whilst I was getting used to the new company and work.

Then to top it all, we finally got around to renovating our home which took us about 3 months in all - so the studio came down and was moved to its new location, but it took a while!

.... and Relax....
Anyway, I'm now in my new studio (I'll try and get some pics at some point) with more room and better acoustics - just a better environment overall.

So, now things have settled a bit with the new job and the studio is sorted, I'm ramping back up to full speed with the composing and looking for some new projects.

I'm also hoping to get the next module of the course done this month - I'll post up some examples of previous units to give you a flavour of what it's about.



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